
Mission Statement

The VGCSA is dedicated to leading the golf industry by serving its members and advancing the profession and the game of golf.


To accomplish that mission, VGCSA has established specific objectives:
  • Professional affiliation on state and national levels
  • Educational opportunities to advance professional growth
  • Industry research to improve turfgrass management
  • Advocacy on behalf of member and industry interests
  • Networking to promote exchange of ideas among members
  • Providing resources to promote member interaction
  • Scholarships and awards to recognize top turfgrass students and industry leaders
  • Public relations activities to support member communications and industry image

To achieve these objectives, the VGCSA currently engages in a number of programs:
  • Affiliation and liaison with GCSAA and local associations in Virginia
  • Educational programs at local association and statewide events
  • Joint meetings with allied associations
  • Annual conference for members
  • Funding of turfgrass research initiatives at Virginia universities and the “Best Management Practices” program
  • Water Quality Monitoring associated with watersheds at Virginia golf courses
  • Industry survey on cultural practices and the superintendent’s profession
  • Monitoring proposed legislation affecting the industry and providing professional consultation to government committees
  • Periodic chapter and state meetings to promote networking opportunities
  • Provision of member resources including member directory, newsletter, website and eLetter
  • Funding of student scholarships and awards program to recognize industry leaders
  • Communications programs to enhance the image of the industry and the profession
  • Co-sponsored social event and networking at national conference
  • Charter member of Mid-Atlantic Golf Council, promoting golf in Virginia and Maryland
  • Assistants Forum Event for career development
  • Championship and recreational golf events on a state and local level to promote networking and fundraising
  • Promotion of the superintendent profession through various media
  • Advocacy programs to protect the interests of members
  • Partner Program for preferred vendors